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Dental System Complete Restorative

Dental System Complete Restorative

Dental System Complete Restorative

Get all indications from the Premium and Removable packages plus all available restorative add-ons to design abutments, implant bars, models and more at an attractive price.

  • Dental Designer Premium (1 seat)
  • Dental Manager (unlimited seats)
  • Dental Manager Inbox (50 connections)
  • 3Shape Communicate Inbox

Restorative Add-on Modules included:

  • TRIOS Model Builder (Included w/ Novux scanners)
  • Abutment Designer (with use of 1 Dental Designer seat)
  • Implant Bar and Bridge (with use of 1 Dental Designer/Abutment Designer seat)
  • Model Builder ALL Scans (1 seat)
  • Full Dentures (1 seat)
  • Removable Partial Design (1 seat)
  • Impression Scanning (unlimited seats)
  • Smile Design (1 seat)
  • Splint Studio (1 seat)
  • IvoSmile (1 seat)

Indications Included:

  • Copings and bridge frameworks
  • Anatomical copings and bridge frameworks
  • Full anatomical crowns and bridges
  • Single wax up/ wax up bridge
  • Inlay, Only, Inlay Bridge and Veneers
  • Attachments
  • Tabletops and Non-Prepared Veneers
  • Multi-layer Crowns & Bridges
  • Digital Temporaries
  • Virtual diagnostic wax-ups
  • Post & Core
  • Telescopes
  • Gingiva on all indications
  • Positioning Guides
  • Customized impression trays for implants
  • Customized abutments and screw-retained crowns
  • Implant Bars and Bridges
  • Full Dentures
  • Removable Partial Dentures
  • Copy Dentures
  • Customized impression trays for dentures
  • Digital Models
  • Smile Design – 2D design of smiles
  • Splint Design, Nightguards and Protectors
  • IvoSmile

Add On

  • Orthodontics and Ortho Appliances
  • Implant Planning and Surgical Guides

Upgrade / CAD Points – Upgrade to Premium or Complete Restorative or apply CAD Points.
Add-on / CAD Points – Purchase add-on module or apply CAD Points.
Upgrade – Requires upgrade to Premium or Complete Restorative.

For more information, contact your Zahn Prosthetic Specialist:

Phone: 1-800-496-9500